WVU CFL Survey As a local Central FL WVU Alumnus and/or Friend, we are interested in your interests. With your assistance the following survey questions will hopefully provide us with some insight into your interest and how we may better engage with you. 1. Outside of our standard football game watches and occasional basketball game watches, what other types of group gatherings would be of interest to you? Would you be interested in leading or assisting in other events?* 2. Would you and your family participate in an annual spring picnic?* Yes No 3. Have you or your family participated in any of our local alumni gatherings?* Yes No If so, which ones? If not, is there a reason for not participating? 4. Currently we are holding our football game watches at Friendly Confines in Lake Mary. Is this location satisfactory?* Yes No Would you be interested in two locations? Yes No Would you prefer a location in Orlando? Yes No And if so, would you be interested in assisting in overseeing activities at one of the sights? Yes No Δ